Updated: 16 March 2022 

1. Acceptance of the General Conditions of Use

Access to the portal is subject to acceptance of the present general conditions of use. The CHU of Liège reserves the right to modify, suspend all or part of the portal and to update all or part of these General Conditions at any time. These modifications and updates are binding on the user, who must therefore regularly refer to this section to check the General Conditions in force.

2. Content and purpose of the portal

The portal is an informative site available to anyone concerned with newborn screening.

The information presented on the portal is intended to be informative but in no way replaces the advice, diagnosis and evaluation of physicians. In order to obtain answers to their personal medical situation, we encourage people concerned by spinal muscular atrophy to consult their attending physician or a neuropediatrician.

The portal is also accessible to health professionals (neuropediatricians, neurologists, etc.). A professional space is dedicated to them in order to download information brochures. 


3. Limitation of liability 

The user uses the portal under his own responsibility and at his own risk. Under no circumstances can the CHU of Liège, its employees or its partners be held responsible for any damage or inconvenience resulting from the use of this portal or its information. 
All contributors to the portal have taken great care to provide relevant, accurate and up-to-date information. Nevertheless, the CHU of Liège cannot be held responsible for any inconvenience suffered as a result of the presence of erroneous information on this portal.


4.    Protection of your personal data 

The provision of the content of the platform involves the processing of your personal data, which complies with the criteria required by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). For more information, please consult the declaration concerning the protection of your personal data available via the link.

5.    Protection of Intellectual Property 

The information, logos, drawings and all the elements presented to you on this portal are protected by the law in force in terms of intellectual property. 
Unless prior written permission is obtained from the CHU of Liège, you may not copy, modify or distribute for profit or for commercial purposes all or part of the textual, visual and audiovisual content on the site. Within the framework of a non lucrative use, the source must be clearly mentioned. No photo or illustration may be copied from the site without prior written consent from the CHU de Liège, whatever the intended use of the photo.

As a health professional, you agree to :

  • Not to translate the documents without informing the CHU of Liège. In case of translation, please make quality translations of the brochures (certified or with reverse translation). The CHU of Liège is not responsible for the information contained in the translated documents;
  • Check that the information on the portal is up to date;
  • Share with the CHU de Liège any improvements made to the various brochures

6.    Links to other sites 

The links from this portal to other sites or information do not imply that the CHU de Liège recommends or endorses any products or services. The CHU de Liège can in no way be held responsible for the availability of sites that are the subject of a hypertext link from the present website and bears no responsibility for the content, products and services available on these sites or from these sites.

7.    Applicable law 

The present General Conditions are subject to Belgian law. In the event of a dispute, the courts of the judicial district of Liège shall have jurisdiction. The contents imported from other sites are subject to the General Conditions specific to these sites.